At Joel’s Painting, our painting contractors deliver what we promise: quality, value, and client satisfaction. When your residential or commercial space requires painting services, contact Joel Buch painting contractor. Discover the difference our painting company offers as we complete your project on time and within budget. We use the following process to ensure customer satisfaction.
To estimate the amount of materials needed for a particular project, we need to know the square footage of the surfaces you wish to paint. Don’t worry about deducting for windows, doors or other features. We also need to know your painting material preferences before giving you free painting quotes.
Before we start the actual job, we walk through the area with you. We examine the areas you want to paint and inspect the surfaces and their condition. To make sure you get exactly what you want, where you want it, we take extensive notes of your instructions.
A properly prepared surface is the key to good-looking, long-lasting results. Before painting, we make sure the surface is clean, smooth, dry and free from cracks and imperfections. If necessary, we clean the surfaces and let them dry. We then patch and caulk any holes or cracks. Next, we sand the area to make sure it’s smooth and then clean up the dust and apply primer. Priming a cleaned and properly prepared surface is important in ensuring the longevity of any paint project.
Using good painting techniques is key to achieving professional-looking results. Joel’s Painting’s experienced painters use only the best tools and methods to achieve the great results you expect from us. After applying the paint, we wait for the first coat to completely dry before applying a second coat. Once the last coat dries completely, we check the project area and complete any touch ups before we remove the protective tape and plastic.
We make sure that when we are done painting, you can move right into the rooms we’ve been working on. We take pride in being neat and clean, and we are fanatics about using drop cloths and masking tape.
Once your home or office has been properly prepared, painted, and returned to its previous state, you will once again walk through with our crew foreman to make sure that the job is exactly complete the way you want it.
After the above steps are finished and you are completely satisfied with our work will Joel’s Painting ask you to pay for the project. We have found this helps make the experience far less stressful for our customers since you know you will get a quality paint job and a completely finished commercial or residential space.
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